When am I eligible to retire?
You may retire as early as age 55 as long as you are eligible for a benefit. You become eligible if your Employer remits 1,200 hours to the LPF on your behalf.
How do I obtain a Pension Estimate?
Click here to read more about how to obtain a pension estimate.
My Annual Benefit Statement does not show the correct number of hours I worked. How can I have this corrected?
If you are missing hours that should have been remitted to LPF by your employer, please contact the LPF Office first to find out if those hours are in the process of being updated. If the LPF did not receive those hours, you must contact your local union representative and/or your employer.
How do I apply for a pension?
Log into AccessLPF and use our online pension application service (if you don’t have your LPF Member ID Number in order to log into Access LPF please contact the LPF Office immediately) or
Contact us for assistance in completing the application over the phone.
Visit the LPF Office and complete your application with the help of one of our Pension Benefits Analyst
For more information, contact us.
How do I Change My Beneficiary?
If you are a Pensioner, and you elected the 60 Month Guarantee form of payment, you may change your beneficiary at any time, where permitted by law. Please click here to download the Beneficiary Designation Form (EN) / (FR) and mail it to the LPF Office. However, it is important to remember that if you have already received 60 monthly payments, your beneficiary is no longer entitled to any payments upon your death.
If you elected a Joint and Survivor Option, which is payable only to a Spouse, you cannot make any changes, once you have cashed your first pension cheque or 30 days have passed from the date it was deposited into your bank account. Also, if you later become separated or divorced, you cannot change the Joint and Survivor Option, as a survivor benefit payable to a Spouse is protected under the Pension Benefits Act.
What do I need to apply for a Disability Pension?
We require a copy of your CPP/QPP Disability Notice of Entitlement letter or a letter from CPP/QPP stating the date you become disabled, the effective date of your CPP/QPP Disability Pension and that you are currently receiving a disability benefit.
In addition, you must complete a Disability Pension Application online by logging into AccessLPF or contact us.For more information on Disability, please click here.
Can I buy more credits?
The LPF is a Non-Contributory Plan. This means that only your employer can contribute. However, under certain circumstances the Plan rules allows for Self-Payment Contributions.
Click here to read more.
What is my Employer currently contributing for me?
Your pension contribution rate is set out in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between your employer and your Local Union. You can either contact your union representative or log into AccessLPF and refer to the Contributions Page.
I stopped working. Can I cash out my pension?
You must have stopped working for at least 24 consecutive months before you are eligible to elect to terminate your membership with the Plan.
Click here to read more.
I am planning to apply for my pension. Will my spouse receive anything?
The Pension Benefits Act requires that your spouse must be entitled to a minimum of 60% of your pension if you die first, unless a Waiver of Joint and Survivor form is signed by your spouse. We also offer a 100% Joint and Survivor Option. For more information, please contact us and speak with one of our Pension Benefits Analysts.
Have A Question?
If you have a question that has not been addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can submit your questions by email at
When do I Receive my Income Tax Slip?
By the end of every February, the LPF mails out the T4A and NR4 slips to all Pensioners and Beneficiaries. Click here for more information.
What are the Pension Pay Dates?
Click here to read more about pension pay dates.
How do I Notify LPF of an Address Change?
Click here to read about address changes.
How do I Change my Banking Information
Click here to read about banking changes.
How do I Change the Amount of Tax being Deducted from my Monthly Pension?
Click here to read about changing the amount of tax deducted from your monthly pension.
My Spouse Passed Away Since I Retired. Can I Cancel the Survivor Option and Start Receiving the Full Amount of My Pension?
No. The option you chose when you retired cannot be cancelled or changed. Your pension amount will stay the same for your lifetime. As your spouse passed away before you, no further benefits will be paid upon your death.
How do I Change My Beneficiary?
If you are a Pensioner, and you elected the 60 Month Guarantee form of payment, you may change your beneficiary at any time, where permitted by law. Please click here to download the Beneficiary Designation Form (EN) / (FR) and mail it to the LPF Office. However, it is important to remember that if you have already received 60 monthly payments, your beneficiary is no longer entitled to any payments upon your death.
If you elected a Joint and Survivor Option, which is payable only to a Spouse, you cannot make any changes, once you have cashed your first pension cheque or 30 days have passed from the date it was deposited into your bank account. Also, if you later become separated or divorced, you cannot change the Joint and Survivor Option, as a survivor benefit payable to a Spouse is protected under the Pension Benefits Act.
I’m Going Back to Work. Do I have to Advise the LPF?
Yes. When you return to work you must advise the LPF by completing a Notice of Re-employment form and send it to the LPF Office by mail, email or fax as soon as you start working.
Click here for more information.
What Happens if I Return to Work and Don’t Send the “Notice of Re-Employment” to the LPF Office?
If you don’t complete and send the Notice of Re-employment form to the LPF Office, your pension will be suspended as soon as contributions are received on your behalf, and:
- any pension payment(s) that are received after your re-employment date must be refunded to the LPF;
- you must advise the LPF office in writing at the end of your re-employment period;
- your pension will be recalculated and reinstated if during your period of re-employment:
- contributions are remitted on your behalf for a minimum of 1200 hours if you are under age 65; or
- contributions are remitted on your behalf for a minimum of 300 hours if you are over the age of 65
- If you are not entitled to a recalculation of your benefit, your pension will be reinstated.
Click here for more information
What is a Biennial Pension Statement?
In accordance with pension legislation, the LPF is required to mail all Pensioners and Beneficiaries in receipt of a monthly pension, a statement of their pension income covering the past two years. The statement contains information related to the type of pension and form of payment selected at the time of retirement, along with beneficiary information (if applicable). If your statement shows any incorrect information, please contact us.
Why would the LPF Need a Power of Attorney for Property document?
Click here to read more about why LPF would need a Power of Attorney for Property document.
What is a Pension Payment Confirmation Form?
This form is mailed every two years to all Pensioners and Beneficiaries in receipt of a monthly pension as part of a process that ensures payments are made correctly to eligible recipients.
When you receive this form, please verify that the information provided on the form is correct. You (or your Power of Attorney) are then required to sign and return it to our office as soon as possible so that your payments will not be interrupted. Click here for more information about a Power of Attorney.
If we do not receive this form by the date required, we may suspend your pension payments until you have returned the form.
Why do I have to Keep Completing a Pension Payment Confirmation Form every Two Years?
Returning this form to the LPF allows you or your Power of Attorney to confirm basic information we have on file for you. This helps us maintain accuracy of our records and ensure that you will not experience any interruptions in your pension payments. If we do not have your signed form, we may need to suspend your pension payments until we receive it. This is part of LPF’s responsibility to pay pensions to only those entitled to receive them.
Does My Pension Amount Change when I Turn 65
No. Your monthly pension amount will remain at the same amount as when you retired and will be payable for your lifetime.
Have A Question?
If you have a question that has not been addressed, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can submit your questions by email at